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Propericum | Hypericum Mysorense (Raw, leaf & twigs)

Propericum | Hypericum Mysorense (Raw, leaf & twigs)

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860 units sold

  1. it has significant antiviral activity against HSV, it inactivates virus by 100%
  2. over 80% of herpes patients never had another outbreak
  3. relives depresson, stress & anxiety, improves sleep
  4. boosts immunity, detoxifies body, antioxidant
  5. phenolics and flavonoids protects your liver
  6. protects your body from free radicals
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How does propericum heal you

Hypericin is an element found in Hypericum Mysorense which has shown promising outcomes in the treatment of herpes in a controlled clinical trial. Herpes outbreak or a flareup lasts for an average of 21 days without treatment but when Hypericin is administered orally, it took the average healing period to 3 days.

Hypericum Myorense is a medicinal plant primarily found in the Indian region of Ootacamund, Tamil Nadu. This plant is widely celebrated for a myriad of health conditions such as eliminating the herpes virus and reducing stress and anxiety levels. This plant works as an anti-depressant, antibacterial, antioxidant, and immune booster. It also helps in improved brain and cognitive functions.

You can purchase Hypericum Mysorense if you want to heal your herpes wound in a really short span. Some phytochemicals of Hypericum Mysorense are tested immensely beneficial against Cold sores and other wounds.

A flavonoid namely Hyperoside is found in Hypericum Mysorense increasingly effective against different health problems. Whether you are searching for an antidiabetic herb or herb that protects you from different heart disorders or looking for a neuroprotective herb, Hypericum Mysorense suits all your problems.

However, it is important to buy Hypericum Mysorense in its purest form to get all the aforementioned benefits. We ensure that when our customers purchase Hypericum Mysorense they always get best-in-class herbs at a reasonable price. We encourage you to step up for your health and go natural.

Why propericum

Trusted research papers for hypericum mysorense

Research Gate

Antiviral activity of medicinal plants of Nilgiris


Investigation of the Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective...

Kills Herpes Virus

Hypericin, hyperoside and other flavonoids found in Hypericum plant are scientifically backed anti-herpetic bio-active compounds that prevent the growth of the Herpes Virus and kill them

Protects Your Liver

Antioxidants such as polyphenol and flavonoid protects your liver from oxidative damage. They neutralize free-radicals that cause liver damage. Hypericum Mysorense contains highest phenolic and flavonoid compounds.

Relieves Stress

It helps balance the chemicals in the brain and calms several neurotransmitters that affect your emotions. It helps reduce cortisol and works as antidepressant. It also aids in better sleep.

Boosts Immunity

Hypericum mysorense is an impressive immune booster thanks to its concentrated source of antioxidants i.e. phenols and flavonoids. These antioxidants counteract oxidative damage efficiently and help immune to protect your body.

Treats Inflammatory Diseases

In a study, Brahmi yielded activities that quells the release of pro-inflammatory Cytokines. It can protect you against a multitude of inflammatory ailments - Cancer, Arthritis, Cancer, Kidney diseases, and Cardiovascular diseases

Consumer Study

In our study, over 80% of herpes patients who took leaf extracts of hypericum mysorense for 5-10 months, therefore, never reported any outbreak till date.


We also reported significant improvement in healing time, i.e. the average healing time reported was 3 days with HM as compared to acyclovir with 9-15 days average healing time.

How to take/use propericum

clean the herb

After receiving the herb, thoroughly clean/filter it if there are impurities

store it

store the cleaned herb in an airtight container to prevent environmental harm to herbs


take 8 fl oz of water, 0.3-0.5 oz (10-15g) of herb and 3-4 grains of crushed black pepper

boil it

put all the ingredients into boiling water, let simmer the herbs until liquid remains ~1.6 fl oz


now filter the decoction to remove boiled leaves and twigs, stir it cool down

take it

your herbal decoction/tea is ready, add some honey to improve its taste, the taste might be unpleasant to you.

Please avoid taking if you are

A pregnant or lactating women

There is not enough scientific data available on the safety profile of Hypericum Mysorense for pregnant or lactating women. We recommend avoid taking this herb to be on the safer side.

On some specific drugs

Hypericum Mysorense can interact with certain drugs/medicines. Therefore, we recommend consulting with a registered medical practitioner before taking this herb if you are on drugs.

Taking stimulants such as immune boosters

Avoid taking Hypericum Mysorense if you are taking simulative drugs as this herb itself is a great stimulant. Immune boosters are meant to boost your immunity, if you take hypericum, it may overdo the job and might make you sick.

A migraine patient

For migraine patients, we strongly advise keeping thoughts away from Hypericum Mysorense. It may cause severe headaches in those with migraine history.

Sensitive to light

A few cases reported that using Hypericum Mysorense might make you sensitive to lights. Please avoid its use if you experience such complaints.

Ingredients used in propericum

H. Mysorense leaves

Leaves are one of the most beneficial plant extracts of Hypericum Mysorense. The leaf extracts along with flower have showed powerful antiviral activity against herpes virus.

H. Mysorense twigs

The twigs of Hypericum Mysorense have high levels of polyphenol and flavonoids (antioxidants) that boost your immune system through reducing oxidative load off the body.

Safety profile of propericum

100% Vegetarian | No artificial color or preservatives  | Sugar free

Clinically approved herbs & ingredients

100% vegetarian

100% safe to consume

No artificial color or preservatives

Gluten & Gelatin Free, non GMO

Our customers love propericum

propericum Hypericum Mysorense product



Reduced viral load

I have been taking this herb for about 2 months now. My blood report confirmed recently that I have a significant reduction in herpes viral load.

Kymani Santolucito, 38

propericum Hypericum Mysorense product



Positive results

I bought this herb to get some relief from herpes but it did more than my expectations. It healed my wounds quite impressively and decreased time to heal.

Lanard Bellemy, 49

propericum Hypericum Mysorense product



Second installment

I received propericum for the second time, finger crossed, hope this will help me more than it did last time.

Simon Cowley, 23

Any Query?

Your satisfaction thrills us because we strive for perfection!!!

No one is perfect though, neither are we.

If you have any query or doubts, feel free to reach us out. Our customer support team is available 24/7.

Meanwhile you  can explore some of the frequently asked questions about Bacopa Monniera (Brahmi).

FAQ about the product

What is Hypericum Mysorense?

Hypericum Mysorense is an age-old medicinal flowering plant found in the western Ghats of India. It has significant antiviral activity against herpes, improves stress, it is hepatoprotective, and can treat wounds effectively.

How long should you take Hypericum Mysorense?

There is insufficient scientific data available to answer it exactly. We observed the pattern for years, and we empirically can say that 6-18 weeks might be the safe window.

Is there any side-effects of Hypericum Mysorense?

Brahmi is generally safe and most of the people don’t experience significant adverse effects. Though, some people may experience try mouth, fatigue, nausea, cramps and increased bowel movements if taken more than the prescribed dose.

Where can I buy Hypericum Mysorense?

Hypericum Mysorense is extremely rare plant and grows only in India and some part of Sri Lanka. It makes it an arduous task to find pure and authentic plant extracts of this plant. We at Dr. Sebi Journal are committed to bring you nature fresh, pure plant extracts of this plant at an affordable cost.

What is the pH profile of Hypericum Mysorense?

Like most of the herbs, Hypericum Mysorense is also has pH value greater than 7 which makes this plant alkaline.

Is Hypericum Mysorense addictive?

No, its not addictive at all. There is no case of addiction reported till date.

Is Hypericum Mysorense effective?

There are several scientific studies that recommend using the plant extracts of this herb to treat and inactivate herpes virus by 100%. It protects your liver form oxidative damage, and is a great anxiolytic. So yes, it is effective.

How long does it take for Hypericum Mysorense to work?

It may take as little as 4-5 weeks to see improvements. The time it takes to work depends on number of factors such as age, existing health conditions.

Delivery & storage questions

How is the product shipped and delivered?

Right after we receive your order, we start processing it. It may take us up to 48 hours (excluding weekends) to ship your product. We take utmost measures and practices to ensure hygiene and cleanliness of the product you ordered.

Are the product labels, ingredients or the disease indications written in the shipping parcel?

No. None of the information even the product name is not written in the shipping parcel to ensure your privacy. We respect your medical privacy, therefore, we don’t allow any practice which might reveal your personal business to anyone.

Can I aspect the same packaging as shown in the product image/s?

To ensure your own medical privacy and safety, we use plain boxes to pack and ship your product. The product you will be receiving, therefore, might or might not be as shown in the product image. The product images might be indicative and the actual product packaging might be different from the product images.

Where and how can I store herbs?

You can store the supplements at room temperature 25-28 degrees C (77-82 degrees F) with no exposure to direct/indirect sunlight and humidity. It should also be protected from the influence of external environment factors.

Can I refrigerate herbs?

Simply no. The product should be stored at room temperature 25-28 degrees C (77-82 degrees F).

Are the powders, capsules or tablets packed in plastic or glass bottle?

We use best practices to ensure all our products be delivered safely to our customers. That is why we use best-in-class plastic bottles to prevent any kind of damage to the product. We don’t use glass bottle as they are fragile and is not considered best practices to use glass jar for the shipment.

Reviews & ratings


Reviewed by 05 customer(s)

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  • Avatar

    Robert Johnson

    Good Herbbbbb

    I am highly satisfied with the effectiveness of this herb.

    May 5, 2024
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    Jhasmine Floyd

    Too effective...

    Insomnia and anxiety used to be part of my daily life a year back but I would like to appreciate this herbal supplement that brought a ray of hope to me. I wandered a lot of places, web pages, and health experts but I couldn’t find the real treatment for my herpes condition. I keep getting filthy-looking sores on my lips and throat regularly for a long time. It seemed like the end of my life for me.

    Then I again reunited my confidence and keep trying for a proper treatment against this infection. After a lot of struggle in my daily life, finally, hardship comes to an end when I find this herb.

    I can’t explain in words the benefits I am getting after using this herb. My anxiety and insomnia have gone long back and now I am on the road to recovery. I am feeling much better and have not experienced herpes breakouts for about 8 months. It is rare in my case.

    May 28, 2023
  • Avatar

    Hethvik Will

    Got relief, feeling much better now

    Depression days are worst, it affectedy my life severely. Antidepressants were no good to me, I had to shift my interests to something holistic, natural means. I bought several herbs including propericum from this website. The herbs gave me quick relief from anxiety and overthinking. It has calmed and improved my memory significantly.

    October 14, 2022
  • Avatar

    Cranicia M

    Lovely Service

    My buying experience of Hypericum M. with Dr. Sebi Journal was so delightful and yeah the herb is very helpful.

    September 3, 2022
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    Manuel Bay

    It proved beneficial

    At first, it upset my stomach. Felt little bloating, but then it improved. It impressively reduced frequency of outbreak. I am at 3rd month, no outbreaks yet

    August 31, 2022

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